Conquering the trails: Lucas Andreu on his UTMB Andorra experience

In the heart of the Pyrenees, the Trail 100 Andorra by UTMB presents a daunting challenge for even the most experienced runners. We sat down with Lucas, a passionate trail runner, to discuss his first 100k race and the role the Nathan Pinnacle Vapor 12L hydration vest played in his journey.

1. What were the biggest challenges you faced during the race?

Lucas: "This was my first 100k race, and it was incredibly tough. The biggest challenges were definitely the altitude and running through the night. I’m not used to high mountain training. Plus, the night was long and cold, especially with the race's steep climbs."

2. How did the Nathan Pinnacle Vapor hydration vest help you tackle these challenges?

Lucas: "The Nathan Pinnacle Vapor 12L hydration vest was a lifesaver. With the altitude, my focus was on maintaining control over my essentials—food, water, headlamp. The vest's numerous pockets made everything easily accessible, which was crucial for quick adjustments. During the night, the vest’s design allowed me to keep my jacket and other gear handy for when the temperatures dropped."

3. What features of the vest did you find most beneficial?

Lucas: "The vest’s lightweight design stood out the most for me. Despite carrying all the mandatory gear—headlamp, emergency blanket, extra batteries, and a thermal layer—it didn’t feel heavy. The easy-access rear pocket was particularly useful for quickly grabbing my jacket when the wind picked up."

4. Did the vest's storage capacity meet your needs?

Lucas: "The storage capacity was perfect. The combination of front and rear pockets allowed me to distribute the weight evenly and access items without stopping. It fit perfectly, didn’t bounce around, and remained comfortable even over long distances."

5. Would you recommend the Pinnacle Vapor 12L hydration vest to other trail runners?

Lucas: "I’d absolutely recommend the Pinnacle Vapor 12L to other trail runners. It’s high performance and suitable for both training and long-distance races. It enhances running efficiency without compromising comfort."

"Tough, challenging, but amazing."

Lucas's experience at the Trail 100 Andorra showcases the importance of reliable gear in ultra-distance races. The Nathan Pinnacle Vapor 12L hydration vest was a crucial component of his success, offering the perfect blend of storage, comfort, and accessibility. Discover more about this vest or discover our other hydration vests and packs to find one that suits your needs.